Friday, August 31, 2012

Sunday 31 August

A lazy start to the sunshine day. Cooked breakfast, hot shower, shave and I was ready for more sightseeing. A drive through the centre of Copenhagen and out towards the mermaid but this time to visit the Danish Resistance Museum in Esplanaden. Here the complete story of the Danish Resistance is told by photos, drawings, maps, letter, documents, and models. A well written booklet describing the exhibition and the resistance is well worth the 1/3d. A very moving and heroic story.

A short drive to the Rosenborg Palace and the Crown Jewels. Parked on one side of the park – could not find the main gate and walk through - fairly crowded and well kept gardens - to the Jewel House. This exhibition is more than jewellery and a small museum containing all the many personal gift possessions of the Danish royal families. Well worth the visit – particularly the vast throne room. Back into the park for a cool draught lager (A had a bottle as quite rightly didn’t wish to pick up what was nearly a pint pot!). We returned to the tent via the station for purchase of Sunday Times, and spent a leisurely afternoon preparing for the relative late night at the Tivoli Lake. Tivoli was super – amusement parks, two open air theatres, two bandstands, lakes and restaurants – all over at once and all for 3.5 lr. Saw modern ballet and a baby elephant. Anne, to my disgust, had a candy floss and we both drank cheap lagers. So tired at the end could not wait to see the fireworks and so drove back to a “locked up” camp – left the car outside and walked to our tent. 

[I fell in love with this little fella - does not fit here but still....]