Thursday, August 23, 2012

Saturday 23 August 1969

Left Newcastle last night at 9.00, weather looked good and forecast gave winds of 5/6 knots with occasional rain. I never have considered forecasting to be too accurate - for by midnight the wind was blowing about force 8 and the sea running a very heavy swell. To add to our problems the sleeperettes, 30 in a small room, about 4 floors down and fore, on the Bergen Lines “Jupiter” were not as comfortable as we had imagined. The air conditioning had failed, causing the room temperature to rise to above “habitable” level.

The four of us who stayed finally gave up at 6.00 in the morning and went to the lounge. Most people on board were sick – ugh! I really thought the boat was just going to break up and sink. Main worry was the car and its contents. Imagination ran riot and pictures of a flat and broken VW sprang to mind. Four hundred glasses were broken in the bar during the night – Annie was sick once due to foul sleeperette air, but recovered after two lemonades – I personally found the lager more beneficial.

We were allowed to spend Saturday night, free, in a cabin on the boat so had shower and went to bed after parking car on quayside (containing 9 bottles of our “trading” scotch). Set the alarm for 7 – woke up at 8 and went ashore – without breakfast. Barman thought Anne looked like Sandy Shaw!

1 comment:

  1. She did and still does look like Sandy Shaw. I have discovered your entries on the end of my Dashboard

    I have got so much to do and now i am stuck reading this Bugger I am going to read 5 this morning
